
We value our reputation as a professional and responsible company. We strive to meet the needs of our personnel and clients while providing a positive experience and professional service during the execution of their work.

As a member of our team, we expect you to adhere to Open Sea's policies and procedures, as well as applicable laws and regulations. We also require you to maintain our Code of Conduct in an ethical, professional, and responsible manner.

Management system policy

Health, Safety, and Environment

At Open Sea, Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) are fundamental aspects of our company culture, especially as we operate in different regions, both onshore and offshore. Our commitment to these principles underscores our focus on meeting and exceeding our clients' expectations through our high standards for operations and communications. The goal is to achieve zero harm to personnel and assets and zero spills to the environment.

Employees should only start jobs that can be done safely without harming people or the environment and stop any work that becomes unsafe. The Emploee should only perform work for which they are trained, competent, medically fit, sufficiently rested, and alert. The correct planning tools, such as risk analysis, work permits, toolbox talk, and forms, should always be used before starting a job. Employees should ensure they are aware of and in compliance with the health, safety, and environmental requirements at their work location and report all HSEQ related observations through the Open Sea QHSE Management System for follow-up and continuous improvement.

Developing climate strategy, adhering to strict standards for energy consuming and waste build our social responsibility politic.

High strandarts

It is important for all employees of Open Sea to prioritize quality in all their activities. The goal is to meet customer quality requirements and providing satisfactory products and services.

We maintain high standards of quality throughout every stage of our project delivery process. Our strict procedures are closely monitored by project managers, quality departments, welding engineers, technology engineers, and independent third parties when necessary. We guarantee that all our welding and general construction activities comply with relevant standards and required certifications.

Drug-and-alcohol-free work environment

Additionally, Open Sea recognizes the importance of maintaining a safe, healthy, and drug-and-alcohol-free work environment for our employees, contractors, and partners. As such, we assist in providing the necessary resources and support to achieve this goal.

Ethical business practices

Our Code of Conduct defines the ethical business practices and personal conduct we expect from all stakeholders, including our suppliers and business partners. This document outlines Open Sea’s commitments and requirements, and it serves as a guide to ensure that our business operations align with our values and mission. You may download a copy of our Code of Conduct to learn more about our principles and expectations.

Our Commitment

Client relations

We value our relationships with our clients and recognize the importance of strong business ethics in exceeding their expectations.
We pride ourselves on providing highly responsive and reliable services in the Offshore, Maritime Industry and Civils & Infrastructure, and we have cultivated strong relationships within these sectors.
Our approach to sourcing the most qualified personnel for our clients' needs is not to take shortcuts, but to ensure that we provide the best possible man for the job.
Ultimately, we aim to leverage our resources, knowledge, and experience to help our clients succeed.

Emplyee relations

We view our employees as professional talents, rather than mere assets, and we treat them with respect and an ordered flexibility to foster a strong work culture. Safety is our top priority, and we require routine medical checks for all personnel. We also provide training and updates on the latest certified courses to ensure that our employees are up to date with the latest skills and knowledge. Our payroll system is designed to be easy for employees to review and understand, and we provide comprehensive insurance to all our employee.

Philosophy and Vision

Open Sea’s philosophy and vision is centered on becoming a top-tier service provider that delivers cost-effective solutions and professional, high-quality services. Our primary focus is on benefiting our clients by anticipating their needs and providing personalized service. We strive to work together as a team with a strong commitment to excellence in every aspect of our work. Our high standards for operations and communication enable us to meet and exceed our clients' expectations consistently.

Core values

At Open Sea, our core values include teamwork, enthusiasm, efficiency, responsibility, and quality. We recognize that our success depends on the collective effort and dedication of our team, and we encourage a culture of collaboration and support. Enthusiasm drives us to be passionate about what we do and to approach every task with energy and excitement. Efficiency is crucial in achieving our goals and maintaining our competitive edge. Responsibility is an essential aspect of our business, and we take it seriously by adhering to ethical standards and maintaining a safe and healthy work environment. Finally, quality is at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to providing the highest standard of service to our clients.


We are iso certificated in the scope of Quality Management System, Environmental Management System and Occupational Health and Safety Management System

Letter from CEO


At Open Sea, we uphold high standards of honesty and ethics in our daily operations. Our core values of teamwork, enthusiasm, efficiency, responsibility, quality, and timeframe guide us in all that we do and shape our identity and approach to work. We prioritize these values above any potential financial or business advantages, and our Code of Conduct reflects our unwavering commitment to them. We expect all members of our community – regardless of nationality, location, or profession – to uphold them as well. Each of us bear a personal responsibility to abide by our Code and contribute to a culture of accountability and integrity.

The attached Code of Conduct outlines the basic obligations that suppliers of goods and services to Open Sea have towards their stakeholders and the environment. Open Sea reserves the right to make reasonable changes to this Code of Conduct and expects suppliers to accept such changes.

Download Code of conduct for suppliers.

Prezes Zarządu

W Open Sea utrzymujemy wysokie standardy uczciwości i etyki w naszych codziennych działaniach. Nasze podstawowe wartości, takie jak praca zespołowa, entuzjazm, wydajność, odpowiedzialność, jakość i terminowość, przyświecają nam we wszystkim, co robimy i kształtują naszą tożsamość oraz podejście do pracy. Wartości te stawiamy ponad wszelkie potencjalne korzyści finansowe lub biznesowe, a nasz Kodeks Postępowania odzwierciedla nasze niezachwiane przywiązanie do nich. Oczekujemy, że wszyscy członkowie naszej społeczności - bez względu na narodowość, miejsce zamieszkania czy wykonywany zawód - również będą ich przestrzegać. Każdy z nas ponosi osobistą odpowiedzialność za przestrzeganie naszego Kodeksu i przyczynia się do tworzenia kultury odpowiedzialności i uczciwości.

Załączony Kodeks Postępowania przedstawia podstawowe obowiązki, jakie dostawcy towarów i usług dla Open Sea mają wobec swoich interesariuszy i środowiska. Open Sea zastrzega sobie prawo do wprowadzania uzasadnionych zmian w niniejszym Kodeksie Postępowania i oczekuje od dostawców akceptacji takich zmian.

Pobierz kodeks postępowania dla dostawców.

Pobierz ogólne warunki umów.

Pobierz ogólne warunki zakupów.

Career planning

At Open Sea, we believe that career planning starts with understanding your passion, values, and skills. If you're ready for a job with us, we offer opportunities to develop your skills and work on international projects from day one. We work with you to create a career path that aligns with your skills, ambitions, and industry knowledge, and help you achieve the necessary qualifications along the way.

Our team has in-depth knowledge and operational experience in the offshore, wind, and maritime industries, which allows us to guide your professional development. We are always looking for professionals with a passion for Offshore, Maritime Industry, Civils & Infrastructure industry, and we invite you to complete our form to explore opportunities with us. You can also reach out to our office to discuss your future possibilities with our team.


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Project Manager Houseboat

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